What Is The Root Chakra? | Chakras For Beginners
What is the root chakra? Your root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is part of your tantric energy system. Also known as the chakra system, where each of your chakras reflects a different aspect of human consciousness. Therefore, chakra healing means healing the emotional and physical aspects through energy work. But what is the Muladhara and how can you heal it?
In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the root chakra. So that you can start your healing journey with the necessary understanding and tools.
Read on or alternatively, click the following post headlines to jump right towards:
2. What is the root chakra responsible for?
3. Blocked vs. open root chakra
4. What are some root chakra affirmations?
What is the root chakra?
Firstly, let’s clarify what the root chakra is. It is the first of seven intertwined energy centers of your body. Also known as the seven major chakras of the body. It is located between your legs right where your spine ends. All chakras play together, while they still can be seen separately. Therefore, your chakras enable your unique experience of all aspects of humanness.
In tantric Hinduism and Buddhism for example, the human experience is divided into different planes of consciousness. Furthermore, each experience is divided into the depth of the experience. This means that each chakra is related to a different role or “plane” of your experiences as a human.
In conclusion, this is how all of your chakras play together. Each plane of consciousness holds the aspects and lessons that are connected to a different vibration. Each vibration is connected to a different chakra. The vibration of your first chakra is associated with different tools that energetically fit into the same category.
(A side- bar information about all chakras)
Sanskrit name | Muladhara मूलाधार |
Meaning | root of existence |
Muladhara Mantra | “Lam” |
color | red |
sound | “A” note |
sense | smell/ nose |
element | earth |
vibration | …- 431 Hz |
crystals | root chakra healing crystals |
Life’s aspects | safety, security, abundance, oneness |
Relationships | parents/ the roots of your being |
Aspect of eternity | timelessness |
What is the root chakra responsible for?
Now that you know what the root chakra is, let’s get more clear on the energetical meaning of it. Your first chakra is related to the first one of the aspects of the 7 planes of human consciousness.
Therefore, it is associated with oneness. You can see this chakra as the roots of your being. Root chakra consciousness asks you to see eternity through the connection of everything and therefore eternal abundance.
The aspects of lessons for this chakra are oneness (or “Omnism”).
In other words, this chakra asks you to integrate a sense of abundance in everything, everybody, and every moment. Because they are all one, separation of oneness is very harmful to the balance of your Muladhara chakra. Such as judgment and other forms of ego-based separation for example.
Imagine your first chakra as the roots of a tree. In order to confidently grow and reach new heights, the roots of a tree need to be strong. The tree does not question the abundance of life force in order to grow. See the roots of the tree as your own invisible roots in life.
With that being said, it is no wonder that your parents play a big role in opening and balancing your first chakra. The history you share with them is part of your literal “roots” and therefore your first chakra.
Emotional aspects
The positive emotions associated with your first chakra are:
- Feeling secure
- Feeling grounded
- Balanced and peaceful
- Emotional stability
- At peace with what has happened
The negative emotions associated with your first chakra are:
- Being fearful
- Anxiety, being insecure
- Easily enraged or angry
- Panic attacks
- Inner restlessness, high stress
Physical aspects
Your Muladhara chakra is responsible for all aspects surrounding materialistic survival- and attachment topics.
This means that it is responsible for positive and negative experiences equally because they all stem from the regulation of the root energy center.
It navigates you through earthly, materialistic aspects like:
- Being rooted in your life’s story
- Being angkored in the present moment
- Fully living and physically experiencing a situation
- Physical security & stability
- Balanced life experiences
- Abundance in all physical needs
- Abundance in materialistic matters
Blocked vs. open root chakra
Your body is made of energy and vibration. So, it is no wonder that the power of intention alone greatly influences your body and mind. It is your thought which creates vibration. This means that thought creates everything. Intention alone is powerful enough to energetically weaken or strengthen your chakras.
Therefore, your root chakra will either become open and strong or polluted and weak from your daily habitual thoughts. As a reactive human, it is your experiences that will shape your thoughts more than anything else.
If you want to learn more about chakra healing, read on how to energize your chakras here.
Your root chakra can only fully open and be energetically magnetic if you allow yourself to clear all blockages that have affected it until now. Each of your chakras has its own frequency. Each of your chakras deals with its own experiences. And each chakra is ruled by different emotions.
This means that there are specific symptoms that are connected to your root chakra. Either associated with a strong and open root chakra or a weakened root chakra.
Final Words On What The Root Chakra Is
Now, you have learned what is the root chakra and how it is affected by your everyday life. Be wise and use this knowledge in your next meditation practice. For example, you could focus upon your feelings, or do a root chakra meditation.