Meditation,  Meditation For Beginners

Basic Meditation For Beginners | How To Start Meditating in 7 Easy Steps

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In 7 simple steps, learn how to start meditating for beginners today.

When I first heard about meditation and its incredible benefits, I was immediately hooked! But more so, I was so impressed that I believed it must be rocket science to learn basic meditation. At the very least, that was the only explanation I had on why not everybody in the world wants to learn how to do meditation…

Weeks of procrastination later, and totally prepared to fail miserably at this perceived rocket science, I finally gave meditation a shot. – And came to realize that it is no rocket science at all.

Yet, exactly this is probably the only reason not every human on earth is already meditating: The false belief that the more miraculous the benefits, the more difficult the process to achieve them must be. Let me tell you that, in the energetic laws of the universe, this could not be further from truth.

This is why I created this simple step-by-step guide on how to do meditation as a beginner. Hopefully, this makes you see that it is absolutely not rocket science and that everyone can meditate.

There are actually many different ways to meditate, like different forms of meditation with a lot of variety. For now, let’s focus on the basics of meditating with these simple steps:

Easy Meditation For Beginners in 7 Steps

1. Find a comfortable seating position.

If you start meditating in a seated position, you won’t accidentally fall asleep so easily. Sit on the floor in the lotus position or any other position that keeps your body compact.

2. Close your eyes and relax.

Once you’re comfortable with your eyes closed, center your awareness inwards. Focus on each part of your body individually. From your head to your toes, relax your muscles.

Pay special attention to your back and shoulders. A lot of your tensions might have become natural to you. It is important that you take your time to connect with each part of your body. Use your breath to help you relax.

3. Become aware of your breathing pattern.

Once your body is relaxed, keep your awareness on only your breath. This is very helpful to connect more deeply with your body at the moment. It allows you to take much deeper breaths than you would usually when sitting.

Notice for yourself:
– How deep do you breathe?
– Can you breathe more deeply into your belly?
– How does the air feel in your nose?

Not only does it help you relax more, but it also takes your focus away from any other thoughts you might have.

4. Let your thoughts come and go.

No master has fallen from the sky yet. The same goes for reaching a meditative state. When you just start meditating, your brain is not used to this type of actively sought stillness. This is why thoughts about everything and everyone might come up.

Especially in the beginning, it might be frustrating to constantly drift off… until you understand the following:

Meditation is like an onion. To reach the center, you need to peel the layers.

Imagine yourself like an onion. To reach a centered state, you first have to peel off all the layers of thoughts, emotions, and energy that are not you. It is by allowing those thoughts to come and go, that you will reach your centered state of consciousness.

5. Become the observer.

Through practice, you will soon be able to detach from your thoughts. This is what psychological meditation benefits are all about. It is through time that by observing your thoughts from a distant perspective, your mind becomes crystal clear.

6. Connect to your heart.

This might seem especially experimental for some, yet it is the most powerful benefit of meditation: expansion of your own energy field. You can connect to your heart by:

  1. connect to your heart physically by placing your hands on it and imagine smiling with your whole body, not just your face.
  2. connect to your heart energetically by focusing your internal sensations on your heart. Breathe with the intention to fill and soften your heart space.
  3. Connect to your heart by loving yourself, at this moment. Be intentional about it, especially if you don’t feel like loving yourself. You can focus your love on another person first, to start the process of connecting to your heart center.

7. Make room for the unexpected

There are incredibly many different ways how your meditation practice can turn out. Allow whatever physical or emotional expression to be experienced fully. The more you can feel, without thinking at this moment, the better.

Meditation is for every-body and every-mind

It is through Meditating that you will gain knowledge and connection with yourself. If right now you feel disconnected or unable to express the full range of your internal world, meditation is perfect for you. The only thing you can do to really dive into yourself through meditation is to give it a try for two weeks. Even if you have no internal shifts or physical experiences at first.

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woman meditating in front of sunset
Meditation basics in 7 Steps

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